Radiant Living Blog

Why I Don’t Have Cerebral Palsy Oct 06, 2021

Happy World CP Day!

Why I Don’t Have Cerebral Palsy

You think I’m delusional, don’t you? Especially if you’ve seen my Facebook Live Videos, you’re thinking, “Honey, if you don’t have Cerebral Palsy (CP), I don’t know who does…”


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Four Questions to Ask Yourself About What You Believe Jan 14, 2020

How does how you believe affect what you believe?

We often think the “right” beliefs will lead us to creating the life we want and feeling the way we want to feel. And it does, make no mistake about it because:

A core belief is a thought you have about yourself...

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Want A Change? Begin With What You Control Most Aug 21, 2019

Are you ready? Can you smell it in the air? No matter where you live, at this time of year, most of us sense that subtle (or perhaps loud bang) of change. Whether you’re in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, the seasons are about to change on you. Are you like me and hanging on to summer...

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What’s Your Word (or Two) For This Year Jan 06, 2016

If you’ve been reading the Radiantly Living Blog for at least a year, you know when the New Year rolls around, I’m about Evolutions, Not Resolutions.


A New Year’s practice that I have adopted is picking a word or two to focus on for the year. This is what I...

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Three Questions for 2015 – Evolutions not Resolutions Dec 30, 2014
  1. What’s one area of my life that I can focus on to help me live more fully?
  2. How do I want to evolve this year?
  3. What’s the one thing I need to do, but it scares me?

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. If I make them, usually by mid-January, I’m running...

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What’s Your Firewalk? Nov 12, 2014

Wanna hear my story of walking on a bed of hot coals?

As many of you know, my book, Firewalk: Embracing Different Abilities, is essentially about my life experience of learning how to live happily and successfully with a disability.

Here’s the story about how I really got the lesson in...

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The Gift of Being Alive Nov 27, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend is probably my most favorite weekend of the year. Yes, I love the food, seeing my family, and the four-day weekend, but I also love the true meaning behind the weekend. Being grateful, pausing in the midst of our busy lives and those silly Black Friday sales to give thanks...

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