Four Questions to Ask Yourself About What You Believe
Jan 14, 2020
How does how you believe affect what you believe?
We often think the “right” beliefs will lead us to creating the life we want and feeling the way we want to feel. And it does, make no mistake about it because:
A core belief is a thought you have about yourself that shapes most of your words, actions, thoughts, and feelings.
- Dating, Relationships and Disability:
How to Have Confidence and Succeed
How often, though, do we think about the process of believing what we do and how that shapes our lives?
While we talked in the last post about tips for mindset success, there are some ways, or rules if you need something more concrete, to guide you in the process of developing success-focused beliefs.
Four Keys and Four Questions to Ask Yourself
- Positive core beliefs result in increased confidence, healthier relationships, and general success. Will this belief help or hurt me?
- When you feel good about yourself, you are much more prone to feel empowered to create and live the life you design, not others. Is this belief motivating me or discouraging me?
- When you think well of yourself, you tend to draw others who will do the same. What do I want people to believe about me? If you don’t believe it about yourself, how can they?
- Whatever we believe (positive or negative) strengthens. Is thinking this going to bring about what I want or drive it farther away?
Right now take two minutes, select a belief you have about yourself, and run through these four questions. Don’t like the answers? Use the four rules to shape the process of what you believe.
Check out my video for additional information:
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