Radiant Living Blog

Confronting and Transforming Sexual Ableism Jul 16, 2020

Looking at the issue of ongoing ableism in our culture as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, where does sexual ableism work into the discussion?

Sexual ableism is a system of beliefs that discriminate against people with disabilities in dating, intimacy, and...

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Want A Change? Begin With What You Control Most Aug 21, 2019

Are you ready? Can you smell it in the air? No matter where you live, at this time of year, most of us sense that subtle (or perhaps loud bang) of change. Whether you’re in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, the seasons are about to change on you. Are you like me and hanging on to summer...

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Attractiveness is a State of Mind: How to Cultivate the Power to Attract With a Disability Apr 19, 2017

“I don’t feel attractive.”

As I said in my last post, this is a nearly universal response people report as a concern/fear in the dating with disabilities survey.

I grew up with that concern and didn’t shed it until I was well into my thirties, despite dating and...

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Expanding “The Dream” Jan 16, 2017

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

That speech over 50 years ago is so historical because it resonates with one of the fundamental...

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Why We Need Unified Diversity Jun 15, 2016

Unified Diversity, seems a contradictory term, doesn’t it?

It’s a topic I believe we pay too little attention to in the disability community – our solitary with other diverse populations, as well as with one another. As someone who has always been and will always be a...

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What’s Your Word (or Two) For This Year Jan 06, 2016

If you’ve been reading the Radiantly Living Blog for at least a year, you know when the New Year rolls around, I’m about Evolutions, Not Resolutions.


A New Year’s practice that I have adopted is picking a word or two to focus on for the year. This is what I...

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