Expanding “The Dream”
Jan 16, 2017
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
That speech over 50 years ago is so historical because it resonates with one of the fundamental struggles of the human race – being judged by our appearance, accompanied by stereotypes. When you live as a minority, and let’s face it, today more people live as minorities in some way than don’t, you feel that longing for the world to see your character, rather than the surface.
Yesterday, as I watched the gritty film of King giving his profound speech, I thought about both the accomplishments we have made in learning to go beyond archaic stereotypes and (with a sigh), how much more we have to learn about seeing the content of one’s character.
I believe that people living with disabilities are one of the last major minorities to truly be judged on the content of their character. It’s still such a struggle for many people to see beyond what first appears as limitations. Part of the reason for this, I believe, is because disability is the only minority we can join at any point in our lifespan. We can’t change our color or ethnicity, but one particular event or moment can leave us in a wheelchair.
For some people, the only comfort to this underlying and ever-present “threat” is to distance themselves from people with disabilities by judging their inability – or worse, bullying them. If I distance myself, whispers the subconscious, I don’t become one of them. This is where I believe we as a society have much further to go.
The answer to healing this brokenness that we all feel begins with you and what you decide to show to the world.
While you can’t control the fact that people judge you and how they judge you, you have much control over your character. Your character is entirely yours to shape, nurture, and grow. Make it uniquely yours. Others are going to judge you anyway. By focusing on the content of your character, you move the needle in the evolution toward:
Children one day living in a nation where they will not be judged by their disability but by the content of their character.
In this month of January in which we are focusing on what we want this new year to be about, I encourage you to pick one facet of the content of your character and work on drawing that out. Radiate it. Allow it to define you. And yes, have others judge you for that.
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