Radiant Living Blog

People Staring at Your Disability? Here’s What To Do Oct 27, 2020

Staring at your disability, as though to say “What’s wrong with you?” can affect your confidence. There is one simple thing you can do to respond and six things to remember when you feel your confidence waning.

Smile, yes, just smile at the starer. That’s the one simple...

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Gee, You Don’t Look Disabled Apr 10, 2019

What the …?


And you’re from what part of the Dark Ages?

So yes, this topic draws out my sarcastic side. But really, these statements are STILL being said.

This week Jessica Kramer, guest blogger and disabilities studies student, is back with her final post before...

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When People We Love Want To Cure Us Feb 13, 2019

Were you a little infuriated by last week’s post about the Let’s Cure CP Facebook page or about the pleas for prayer to heal CP – or any disability?

Jessica Kramer, Disability Studies graduate student, wrote a wonderful reflection on how the world continues to want to...

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Duct Tape Won't Help With This Feb 06, 2019

Guest blogger Jessica Kramer is back with a great reflection on Dealing With Others. Jessica is a second year Masters Student in Disability Studies at Syracuse University. If you would like to submit a guest post on living with a disability, please email me.

When I first came across...

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Moments Emblazoned in Our Souls That Change Everything Jun 12, 2017

Have you had those moments in your life in which EVERYTHING CHANGES and more importantly, YOU CHANGE?

They’re often referred to as DEFINING MOMENTS.

They can be the SCARIEST moments we ever experience and afterwards – and probably for the rest of our lives – we are ...

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“What’s Wrong with You?” The Perfect Answer Jul 15, 2015

Don’t you just hate this question?

I can certainly understand a five-year old asking it of someone with a disability. I always use it as a teachable moment with kids and begin by saying, “I walk and talk differently because I have cerebral palsy.” Depending on their...

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