How to Write a Dating Profile and Disclose Your Disability

dating resources dating with a disability Sep 29, 2021
Free Download: How to Write a Kick Butt Dating Profile and Disclose Your Disability

In a few weeks, the first episode of the Dating, Relationships, and Disability podcast will be available. I’m very excited to be working on bringing a show together that offers strategies, encouragement, and mindset tips on dating with a disability. Episodes feature guidance and practical advice on how to navigate sexual ableism, focus on your power to attract, and develop happy and healthy relationships. 

I've gotten some great feedback on what people want to hear. If you haven't done so yet, take three minutes to tell me here.

The podcast will be replacing the Radiantly Living blog. After 11 years, the blog will be retiring. Archives will still be accessible on Radiant Abilities. As I begin working on podcast episodes, the “Best of” blog posts will be republished so that I can focus on creating new content.

Why You Need a Dating Profile?

If you're thinking about online dating or already doing it, you may wonder how to write a good dating profile and how to disclose your disability.

Many people think of a dating profile as being for potential dates to read and decide if they want to get to know you.

While that is true, the dating profile gives you great clarity on your strengths and what you're looking for in dating and relationships. Writing a profile helps YOU get clear on the strengths and assets you bring to dating and relationships.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some questions for you to consider when writing a dating profile:

  • What are some of your strengths?
  • What are some qualities you are proud of and feel happy about?
  • How would you describe your personality?

For more questions and guidance on writing your dating profile, download How to Write a Kick Butt Dating Profile and Disclose Your Disability guide.

This guide works you through questions you should ask yourself when developing a dating profile to clearly communicate who you are and what kind of relationship you’re looking for.

Yes, Go Ahead and Disclose

Disclosing a disability to a date and when to do so

We have done several posts on the topic, but guest blogger Jessica Kramer wrote a great piece on why it's good to disclose a disability.

Disclosing, telling a potential date about your disability, can be an emotional issue for many. 

People often fear judgment and rejection if they share disability information too soon. It's all very understandable.

Many people debate the question of whether to disclose or not and when to do so. 

For years my advice was to disclose when you feel ready. However, I have come to realize that's not a particularly helpful answer.

I believe you should always disclose and your disability should be part of your dating profile.

Your date takes the cue from you about how to view your disability. If you describe it in a positive way, they are likely to see it that way too.

How can you positively describe your disability in your profile?

It can be short and sweet such as, "I live happily with cerebral palsy which affects my speech and walking."

Want More on Writing a Dating Profile?

For more guidance on how to disclose your disability in a positive way, download the dating profile guide.


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