Dating, Relationships, and Disability

Dating, Relationships, and Disability

Hosted by: Kathy O'Connell

We offer strategies, encouragement, and mindset tips on dating with a disability. We talk about how to navigate sexual ableism, focus on your power to attract, and develop happy and healthy relationships.


87 - Lessons From The Pride Community

Season #1

If you’re listening to this close to the time that it publishes, we’re in Pride month. For years now, and I mean before honoring Pride became so acceptable, I thought as a disabled, heterosexual person, there was...
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86 - Too Busy to Date?

Season #1

Too Busy To Date “I’m just really busy.” How often have you heard this and have also found yourself saying it? About anything? We live in a too busy world. I sometimes find it being my automatic response when people...
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66 - Three Essentials to Make Dating Easier

Season #1

Did you know that January 8, which was just two days ago if you’re listening live to this podcast, is the “best” day of the year to be doing online dating? The theory behind this is its due to the combination of New...
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4 - Believing in Yourself, The Hardest Work

Season #1 Episode #4

This week I begin to break down the four table legs, so to speak, on the DRD framework - believing in yourself.It’s certainly the hardest part of getting the whole dating and relationship piece to get nailed down.I...
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Potential As Dating and Relationship Partners

Season #1 Episode #3

One of my overarching career goals is that people with disabilities (PWD) are seen more potential dating and relationship partners. What does this mean? For the Dating Relationships Disability (DRD) work I do, there’s...
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What is Sexual Ableism?

Season #1 Episode #2

Just what is Sexual Ableism and why should I care about it?Definition and ExamplesWhat is it - Sexual ableism is a system of beliefs that beliefs that discriminate against people with disabilities in dating, intimacy,...
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I’m Just So Uncomfortable

Season #1 Episode #1

Learn about the awkward, uncomfortable date that changed me and my life. It set me on the path of developing the Dating, Relationship, and Disability framework.Dating, Relationships, and Disability offers strategies,...
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