30 - Rejection

In any podcast about dating, at some point we need to talk about rejection. It’s a natural part of the dating process. Most of us endure rejection at some point. Rejection hurts and quite honestly, sucks. That said, the problem with rejection is we make it mean something negative about ourselves. What if we didn’t take rejection personally? Yes, I did just suggest you don’t take rejection to be about you. Hang on with me over the next few moments as I give you a different way of looking at rejection.

Don’t Let Rejection Stop You 

  • Many people don’t date because they’re afraid of rejection. While this is understandable and trust me, I did this myself while I was single, it won’t ever get you the results you want. 
  • I know someone who has never fully gotten over being rejected. Her boyfriend broke up with her 25 years ago and she has never dated again because she doesn’t want to experience that pain again. But what has happened is she has lived with the daily pain of being alone when she deeply wants to share her life with someone.
  • Sometimes we have to go through intense pain in order to get the bigger result we’re looking for.
  • I want to give you two ways of looking at rejection that may be helpful in better coping with it.

Preference and Feedback

  • Rejection is simply someone Indicating a preference, meaning the other person wants someone other than you. It doesn’t mean there’s anything “wrong” about you. It means they want someone or something else.
  • Maybe you can even grow from the feedback you get when someone doesn't want to date you?
  • It may be cliche but often cliches speak the truth. Someone rejecting you really does clear the way for the right person to come into your life. Once I met my husband, I realized why no other relationship worked out - I would have never met him if they did.

Where Do We Go From Here? 

  • Work on not taking rejection personally. It may feel like it’s about you, but it’s not. Don’t let it define you and certainly don’t let any no mean you can’t have what you want most. See rejection as simply another person’s preference and setting you on the path you need to be on.
  • This week’s resource is on Who is Your Support System because rejection can be painful to deal with. You need to reach out for support. Get love and encouragement from others in your life.


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Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com "Successful Motivation"
Artwork photo by Elevate

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Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate