33 - Why "Everyone" Will Trip You Up

During the many years I was single, the best advice I got was “You won’t be for everyone.” This came as a relief and it still surprises me that it was news to me at the time. Well, of course, I’m not for everyone! Duh!

But why did I focus on “everyone” needing to find me attractive?

I think my experience in putting a lot of weight and focus on the concept of “everyone” is a common dating trap.

Today we’re going to challenge the concept of “everyone” needing to find you attractive, being comfortable with you, or even accepting you.

It’s a Relief to Let Go of Everyone
The person who said this to me actually conveyed it in a very loving way and with the intention of helping me to let go of my arduous efforts to impress all potential partners. And it worked! I began to breathe more deeply and relax into who I am, rather than what I was putting out there.  In my dating years, I believed in the impossible – that all potential dating partners could work through their resistance toward my disability.  After all, I go through life, knowing that certain people in general will just have difficulty accepting my disability…and people who would have a more intimate relationship with me, would not?! Ugh, arrogance!

When I received this gentle slap in the face of “You’re not for everyone,” it was actually welcomed. Ahh, this meant I could focus on those who were for me and let go of my false need for the others.

From Everyone to Someone
Relaxing into this knowledge helped to foster my Power to Attract (see episode 10), meaning I could put my focus more on what I had to offer to the dating/relationship scene, than trying to draw someone to me. The Power to Attract is about focusing on our gifts and abilities. When you do this, you draw the right people to you.

On some level when you live with a disability, people will always look at what you don’t “have.” For better or worse, it’s human nature. Our job as people with disabilities, I believe, is to be open to all the gifts and lessons we bring to the many who are open to us. If you’re out there dating, knowing you’re not for everyone really helps clear the way for those who are drawn to you.

A Word About Rejection
Another area in dating where the word “everyone” trips us up is when we’re rejected. It could be by one person or ten, but we can believe that everyone is rejecting us. When we think that everyone is rejecting us, that can certainly negatively impact our self esteem and confidence.

Where Do We Go From Here? 

  • Catch yourself when you find yourself falling into the “everyone” trap. It’s not true! Every single person does not believe what one or even 50 people believe.
  • Focus on the someones that are out there that will find you attractive, will want to get to know you, and

Check out our Dating Memberships:

Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate