59 - Being Grateful in the Dating Process

If you’re someone out there trying to date or even wanting to date and maybe you’re not yet seeing the results you want, it may be challenging to feel grateful for the dating process. When you’re feeling lonely, isolated, and not receiving the attention you are so craving from others, being grateful may very well be the last thing you want to feel.

But it could be so helpful.

Hear me out on this. According to Harvard Health, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” Basically, gratitude changes our state of mind from one of lack to looking at what we do have.

I know you’re saying, “But what do I have? I don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend. I can’t even get people to swipe on my profile.”

I realize how hard being alone can feel. I had many years of enduring that feeling. It definitely doesn’t feel good. But this right here, when nothing feels like it’s working and you’re lonely as hell, is when you most need that sense of gratitude.

What to be Grateful for About Dating 

I’m encouraging you to look at whatever your dating experience has been and find what you’re grateful for. There has to be something. Whether it’s a relationship that ended, but taught you something about yourself or a quality about your personality that you have learned about yourself in pursuing relationships. Maybe it’s something that when it happened, you felt angry or resentful, but then after time, you realized there was some blessing in that not so great experience. 

I remember dating a guy for a few months and really liking him, but he broke it off. When he did he told me he wanted to be with someone who was “more into their body.” I of course took offense to this but over time, I realized that I was not really appreciating the body (and figure!) I had in my early thirties. So I was eventually grateful for that “nudge” by that former boyfriend.

Step into gratitude by looking at what you’re learning about the dating process, even through failure. Are you learning to better communicate through trial and error? Are you getting a better sense of the kind of person you want to be with? Maybe you’re learning what you won’t tolerate in relationships? 

There IS something you’re grateful for, my friend. Find it. Name it. Own it. And use it to help you get even better in dating and relationships.

Simple Exercise 

There’s no resource guide for this podcast because I want you to do a very simple exercise. Take out your phone, tablet, or even a good old fashioned index card. Write or record what you’re grateful for. Look at it every day, preferably multiple times a day, until it’s embedded in your beautiful brain. Embody what you’re grateful for. If you do this, you’ll begin to notice a change in your thinking and approach to dating and relati

Check out our Dating Memberships:

Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate