66 - Three Essentials to Make Dating Easier

Season #1

Did you know that January 8, which was just two days ago if you’re listening live to this podcast, is the “best” day of the year to be doing online dating? The theory behind this is its due to the combination of New Year’s resolutions and the large number of post holiday break ups that drive people to online dating sites. Apparently, right about now is an optimal time to be online dating because the selection of prospects of dates is higher than usual.

However, that’s not at all intended to imply that your prospects are dismal the rest of the year. But you may be thinking, Ugh, online dating, do I really want to do that? For years and I mean years, I felt the same way, despite watching a close friend get on a dating site in the very early days of online dating and eventually meet her husband. At that time in my head, online dating felt like a “phony” way to meet people.

But here’s the catch - I wasn’t meeting many people offline either

Whether you’re doing online or offline dating, I want to talk to you about three essentials that help when you’re dating. In my most recent work in the area of dating and relationships, I’ve been asking people about what does not work for them. Many interestingly reported that online dating does not work and it further discourages them from dating altogether. This is because it’s hard to continually put yourself out there and face rejection. 

Essential #1 - Dating Self Esteem and Confidence 

That’s where I believe Dating Essential #1 comes in: Dating Self Esteem and Confidence. You may feel overall good about yourself and confident in your life, But what about when you have to put yourself out there in a vulnerable way and risk rejection, like in dating? It IS scary because there is a good probability that you may be rejected. And rejection hurts and can do a number on your self esteem and confidence.

But how do you do that? It begins with a MINDSET that builds your dating self esteem and confidence. Who is the person you want to be when you’re out there dating? Think about this for a minute because it’s an important question.

The answer to this question transformed me from feeling insecure and awkward in dating to relaxing into the truth of who I was.

Essential #2 - A Plan, Not Just Hope 

How are you going to turn your actions into desires? 

Often the things we want the most in life require a lot of work. It is the most in life require a lot of work. Even when we fail.

What is your plan for being consistent about getting out there and meeting people? Where will you meet people? Online? In person? Where are you most comfortable meeting people?

And equally important, where can you reach out of your comfort zone in order to meet people? This is where Essential #2 leads to Essential #3.

Essential #3 - Follow Through and Support

You need at least 1-3 people yo

Check out our Dating Memberships:

Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate