67 - What’s Possible for You in Dating?

Before we begin, I want to invite you to a free workshop next week. We’re actually offering two. The first is for people wanting to date, called Three Essentials to Make Dating Easier. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to take overwhelm and frustration out of dating. You’ll learn how to do this by focusing on increasing your dating self esteem, having a dating plan, and follow through. The workshop will be offered at a couple times. Sign up here.

The second workshop is for professionals, particularly those with people with disabilities. Effectively Supporting Dating and Professionals will lay out a framework for supporting people in developing skills for successful dating and healthy relationships. You can sign up here.

Have you considered what’s possible for you in dating and relationships? Often when we have a dream, our brains tend to focus on the barriers or limits to reaching that dream. That’s our brain being primitive and trying to protect us from harm or disappointment. When we begin to think about possibilities in our life that bring some level of risk, like dating, our brains think about what can go wrong as a way of trying to minimize the harm we may experience. The problem with this is it can keep us stuck in limited beliefs.

The Possibility Formula 

There’s an incredible life coach I follow, Brooke Castillo, who uses what she calls the Possibility Formula in her teaching. She describes the formula as “working really diligently on is helping people reinvent their personal truths. Uncovering their limiting belief, the things that they’re using to limit themselves, and helping them release those things so they can see beyond what they thought possible for themselves.”

To break this down, the way you come up with a possibility formula for yourself is to look at the goal or dream of what you want to achieve. Then look at the limiting beliefs you have about yourself in achieving that goal or dream. So for dating, the goal may be you want to find a partner, but the limiting belief is that you believe people won’t even give you the chance, maybe because you feel they don’t see beyond your disability.

That’s the limiting belief that is holding you back from the possibilities of a partner. This is where you need to ask yourself is this belief helping me create the possibilities I want or blocking them?

You then do the work on releasing the limiting belief. Maybe that no one gives me a chance becomes there’s someone out there who would love to meet me.

I want you to think about how you can lean into possibilities. By th

Check out our Dating Memberships:

Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate