69 - You May Not Need Confidence to Date

If you saw the title of this podcast and thought, Wait a minute, you’re always saying how you need dating confidence. And while i still agree with this, I think one of the ways we grow the most in life is to consider different alternatives to looking at our own ideas so they're not etched in stone. I recently read a great book that i was actually asked to review before it’s published. It will be out on February 23. It’s a business book called Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield, who has been an online teacher of mine for several years now. The book is great one for giving you a framework for beginning your own business or side hustle. 

And as a side note - I will actually begin connecting this to dating in a second - but even though employment is not my area of expertise in the disability field, I’m a huge proponent of people with disabilities beginning their own businesses and dictating their own career path. And to be honest, a lot of why I feel so strongly about this is because there’s so much employment discrimination to deal with even once you’re given a position. So I say, screw it, forge your own path to success and money. 

Okay, I’ll get back in my lane and return to talking about dating…

In the book, Amy distinguishes courage from confidence with this statement: “Courage is something you choose. Confidence is something you earn.” She goes on to explain courage starts when you begin to have the desire for something, although you’re uncertain about how or even if you’ll get it. Courage is also present even when you have no proof of succeeding at something in the past. 

Confidence is then the outcome of courageous acts and what you gain over time. To put this in the dating context, you need courage for example to go on a dating app and put your profile up. Confidence will develop as you begin to feel more comfortable and talking with others on the app.

Courage is driven by your desire for something - wanting to share your life with someone, not wanting to feeling lonely, longing to be loved, wanting to be accepted and seen. A number of things could be driving your courage even when you don’t feel confident. 

What is vital is that you honor that desire within yourself and choose to pursue it, even though you feel insecure and unsure how to go about doing so. Remember if you don’t honor your dreams and desires, who will?

If you want support in gathering your courage and gaining confidence, check out the brand new Dating Made Easier monthly membership, where you’ll get support for figuring out the dating puzzle and learn skills to make it way easier and enjoyable. Check out the link in the show notes.

Yes, you heard it from me. If you don’t feel confident in dating, no worries. You just need a little bit of coura

Check out our Dating Memberships:

Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

Music by Successful Motivation |
Artwork photo by Elevate