Radiant Living Blog

Confronting and Transforming Sexual Ableism Jul 16, 2020

Looking at the issue of ongoing ableism in our culture as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, where does sexual ableism work into the discussion?

Sexual ableism is a system of beliefs that discriminate against people with disabilities in dating, intimacy, and...

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Moments Emblazoned in Our Souls That Change Everything Jun 12, 2017

Have you had those moments in your life in which EVERYTHING CHANGES and more importantly, YOU CHANGE?

They’re often referred to as DEFINING MOMENTS.

They can be the SCARIEST moments we ever experience and afterwards – and probably for the rest of our lives – we are ...

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How to Radiate the Power to Attract Feb 18, 2015

It does not matter if you use a wheelchair, drool, or have muscle spasms.

You have the Power to Attract.

The most influential factor that can either promote or hinder one’s healthy sexuality (reading last week’s post on sexuality may help define this for you) is people’s ability...

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